What began as a joyride took a tragic turn for some teens in Tucson over the weekend. Authorities report two young drivers, with one having four passengers in his car, chose to drag race. The cars were speeding at over 85 mph in an area meant for 35 mph, leading both drivers to lose control. Their cars flipped and crashed into a nearby cluster of trees.

Three passengers in one of the vehicles were injured and another died as a results of her injuries. That driver was arrested on charges of of Driving under the influence of alcohol, manslaughter, aggravated assault and endangerment.

Drag racing is not uncommon in Arizona or around the country. In fact any time teenagers and cars mix, the urge to speed and drive recklessly, seems to be overwhelming for some drivers. They speed with a vengeance and don’t hesitate to risk their life or the lives of anyone riding with them. Often drunks or alcohol are involved but not always. Sometimes it is nothing but the thrill of the moment that urges them to excess, often with tragic results.

Police, parents and traffic safety experts have been fighting an uphill battle when it comes to teenagers and reckless driving. Unfortunately, despite their efforts teenagers continue to demonstrate that when it comes to driving they still have a great deal to learn about safety.