A woman cruising down a bustling highway in California felt something slither by her legs. Peering down, imagine her surprise at spotting a ringed snake! Instead of jumping ship through the window, she kept her cool. Maneuvering through the bustling traffic, she coasted to the shoulder without a hitch. Safely parked, she hopped out and immediately dialed the police.

In case you were wondering, our traffic school online California does not actually cover what you should do in case a snake crawls between your legs while you are driving, but we do help you prepare for just about every other situation.

In fact, we are fairly certain there isn’t a driving course anywhere that covers what to do in case of ‘snake attack’ while driving, so the market is currently open for one. What do cover is how to avoid distractions of the more common variety: cells phones, kids in the backseat; and how to respond correctly to driver safety laws and regulations in your state.

There is no way to prepare yourself for every eventuality, but a little preparedness can go a long, long way when it comes to driver safety. Even when dealing with king snakes in the front seat.