ca traffic school questions

Chances are, whether or not you’ve received a traffic ticket in the past, you have a lot of questions concerning how to get it “taken care of.
We researched our customer service database and pulled the top questions students asked about traffic school. To make your 2017 easier, here are the answers to those more-than-frequently-asked questions:

Q: What is traffic school?

A: Traffic school is a program comprised of driving-related and traffic safety material. Instead of receiving a grade or credit like you do from other schools, your successful completion of this course will mask/remove points from your driving record.

Q: How long is CA traffic school?

A: Per the CA DMV, CA traffic school is designed to be 8 hours long.
A: If you take it in a classroom setting, then you will be in there for EIGHT HOURS.
A: If you take OUR ONLINE COURSE, then you can complete it at your own pace. For fast readers, that means you can complete it in less than 8 hours. For others, you can take as much time as you like. It is completely up to your preference.

Q: How does CA traffic school work?

A: Although every traffic school presents the CA DMV-Approved material in their own, unique way – CA traffic school basically works like this:

1. Student signs up and registers for traffic school
2. Student takes and completes the course
3. The traffic school reports the completion to the CA DMV
4. The traffic court retrieves the completion report from the DMV
5. Student’s traffic ticket is dropped and the points are eliminated
6. The student does not have to do anything else, but is encouraged to follow-up with the traffic court website to confirm their ticket was, “Dismissed By Traffic School.”

Q: How do I sign up for traffic school?

A: First, look here: for find an approved traffic school. We are listed under
You can sign up for traffic school online, by phone (800-660-8908), by mail or in person. Make sure you pay the bail or fine from the ticket as well as the traffic school process fee (usually $64.00).

Q. How do I request traffic school?

A. If you are eligible to take traffic school, you will see an option box on your ticket. By clicking that option box and paying the traffic school administrative fee (usually $64.00), you are requesting/agreeing to take traffic school to dismiss your ticket.
You can do this by mail, phone or the court website.

Q: Am I eligible to take CA traffic school?

A: If your ticket and/or courtesy notice says that you are eligible to take traffic school AND you haven’t attended traffic school within 18 months, then you are eligible.

Q: How often can you take it?
A: You can take CA traffic school once every 18 months… for infinity.

Q: What do you do in traffic school?
A: CA traffic school is comprised of a combination of reading, listening and watching material about CA traffic laws, defensive driving skills, car facts, traffic statistics and more. You will also take a final quiz at the end of the course.

Q: Can I fail the course?
A: You technically can fail the course, however, the final quiz is open-book, very simple and the CA DMV allows you two attempts to pass it. As long as you get 18 out of 25 multiple choice questions correct, you pass!

Q: How do you take CA traffic school online?
A: You can take our online course on any computer, phone or device that has internet access! It is mostly reading… therefore you will be scrolling down the screen for the most part and occasionally watch (optional-only) videos.

Q. Does traffic school erase the ticket and/or points
A. Beware of the words erased, disappeared, vanished and removed. Points and “The Ticket” are not “erased” from your DMV record. Traffic school will prevent points from appearing on your public driving record, which prevents your insurance company, employer, or others inquiring into your driving background from seeing the violation.

Q: When is traffic school due?

A: You usually have about 60 days to complete traffic school from the day you paid your ticket. Check your courtesy notice to confirm!

Q: Do I have to pay for traffic school?

A: Yes. Yes, you do.

Q: But I already paid $64.00 for traffic school when I paid my ticket!

A: That administrative fee was for the court, for the opportunity to take traffic school. You will pay the traffic school an additional amount.

Q: Ok, how much does it cost?
A: It depends on the traffic school, but did you know, you will get 4 FREE TICKETS to the IMPROV COMEDY CLUB upon completion of our traffic school 😉