Driving has become something that we more or less take for granted. It is a habit that we have developed to help us with our daily lives. Whether it be taking the kids to and from school or going to work, driving should be viewed as one of our most prized privileges. For any of you who have ever lost your driving privileges, you know how difficult it can be to get to where you need to go.
There are many ways to lose your driving privileges, but there are also many avenues for keeping them. For example, one of the best things you can do to learn about the various ways to maintain your driving privileges is by taking part in an online traffic school California permit class. Also, if you have acquired a traffic violation, you should consider going to traffic school so that the violation does not stay on your driving record. For now, let’s take a look at the oilfield and how traffic violations play a huge part in oilfield fatalities.
What Do You Think About It?
Did you know that thinking while you are driving can actually be a problem when your thoughts are focused on something either than properly driving your car? When you aren’t focused on the things going on around you, such as the speed of the cars in front of you or whether you have fastened your seatbelt, this greatly increases your odds of being involved in an accident and getting injured. In fact, speed and seatbelt use just so happen to be the two largest contributing factors to oil-field related deaths. One might think that getting hurt on the rig might be the number one contributor, but it isn’t.
A Closer Look at the Data
The decade that took place between 2003 and 2013 was one that saw unprecedented growth in the oil and gas extraction industry. The size of the workforce doubled and saw an increase of 71 percent in the number of rigs being drilled. The CDC analyzed data relating to fatal occupational injuries in this industry and found that more than 33 percent of worker fatalities in the oil and gas extraction industry were caused by transportation incidents.
When looking at the details involved in these accidents, it is clear to see that there is a lack of attention contributing to the fatalities, such as speeding down the road at 70+ mph and not slowing down when getting close to town and the speed limit lowers to 35-45 mph. Data shows that the biggest contributors to these accidents are not related to road or weather conditions. Instead, they are driver-behavior related:
• Failure to control speed
• Lane change-passing
• Driver fatigue
• Driver inattention
• Faulty evasive action
What Action Is Being Taken?
Fortunately, these data points and statistics are leading to positive action being taken by a variety of coalitions, including the Permian Road Safety Coalition, which is working in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation, as well as with other industry experts, to assess the causes of fatalities and properly address them.
For example, they have studied why drivers still after all these years are failing to wear their seatbelts. The truth is, though, this action is simply a bad habit. Oilfield workers get in and out of their vehicles numerous times throughout the day, making it a nuisance to many of them to put on and take off their seatbelt. This type of bad habit must be altered, and thankfully, a simple in-the-truck reminder is all it takes to get drivers to start wearing their seatbelts. Such reminders can come through an In-Vehicle-Monitoring Solutions (IVMS) program.
What Is an IVMS Program?
This type of program is becoming more popular because it helps companies curb recordable driving incidents. The system will provide immediate feedback to drivers when they are taking part in one or more activities that put them at risk for an accident or injury, such as not wearing their seatbelt or speeding.
The Conclusion
It is important to note that new workers to the oilfield have a greater chance of being involved in an accident because of a lack of experience in driving in the oil patch, as well as inexperience in driving industry-specific equipment. This is why it is all the more important for fleet vehicles to be properly monitored with an IVMS.
The post Safe Driving Behind All Types of Wheels appeared first on MyImprov.